Look what arrived in the mail last Friday. I sent away to Victoria for a Quilting Frame. Of course I couldn't wait for the mail truck to arrive to see if "My baby had arrived" and she had! Now for some fun...........lets play a game.
All babies need a name and as I am having trouble finding one for her, I would like you all to assist me. So lets have some fun shall we. All you have to do is leave a message on my blog with a name for my baby and why you think your name is the best.
Now most games have a prize and this one has a small prize attached to it. The winner will receive a Fat 1/4. I will draw the winner on the 11th March. So get thinking and leave me a message.
Deb I've been racking my poor brain to come up with something clever and witty. I'll have to get back to you ...mmm Frank no Flossie ... yes I'll keep working on it .
clares craftroom
I think if this was mine, I would call it Buddy, simply because it is going to be your very best friend while you are quilting.:D
If she was my frame I would call her Jane. Why Jane? Well she's not just plain, She's a frame, Not a plain Frame so her name would be Jane. Jane Frame!!!!
(She's a beauty) Congrats on the new baby.
Oh and I love that piece you are working on. Is that for my Birthday??
Geniene XXXX
Deb no wonder you were excited about getting your frame. Its a great asset for your quilting. I think you could call her Missy Huggles as she hugs your quilts while you sew them. :)
Vicki you wouldn't be a fan of Missy Higgins would you?
Geniene if you go back a few posts you will see the thing on the hoop in a photo. I posted about buying the pattern and fabric etc when we went away last year for our 25th. Well as of today it is off the hoop and finished.
Deb you have certainly issued a "challenge" here. I will get my thinking cap and come back on this one. I have never actually thought about giving a quilting frame a name but there is always a first time for everything.
I think Karen........if a fellow can give his precious car a name.......why can't we give our quilting things names :)
Hey Debs
I went back anad had a look at the bits n peices and That will be just wonderful as my birthday gift!! Thanks you are so genouris!!
Hmmm, I have no idea what I would call your lovely new fram Debs, I will think on it a bit. The quilt in it looks really nice.
Gah! I just typed up this reply, hit the submit button and it lost my reply! How rude of computers to do that! I mean really.
Anyway, incase my previous reply doesn't get through, I better try and remember it and re-type it!
So, I think I asked if the lovely item that your new friend was holding was also for the giveaway?! Yes, very cheeky of me I know. It looks great! :D
So, as for a name. I suggested Clifford. Why? I don't know. It just came to me, and I like silly sounding names. So yes, call your new baby Clifford!
I have thought about your name problem for your new baby, and I think "Babe" is my choice. Why?? Because it is already your new baby!
Sorry Sam but the wall quilt is not part of the give-away but then you new that :)If you don't ask you don't get.
Geniene I just have this feeling that the wall quilt would not be good enough for your house. Guess I had better keep it.
Some great names coming through for "my baby". It is not going to be easy to pick a winner.
Maybe you should call her Debsy she is going to be part of you forever now. Enjoy using her.
I think Rosy would be good. You love your roses, you love floral material and the wood has a rich colour to it.
Esmerelda was the second name that sprang to minfd (Matiltda was the fist but I thought that was a bit oeft of centre) . So why do I think Esmerleda bcasue its a magical name and I think she is going to be helping you make some very magic items in the future.
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