What is "My Other Love"? Decorating........ I just love getting in and making a room take on a whole new look. Hubby and I have just spent a week at our house in Burra and turned the front room into a formal loungeroom. We did just have a bed and chest of draws in there and it did look rather drab.....but not anymore.

So I thought I would show you some before and after photos of all our hard work. Really it's not hard work when you love doing it.

Hubby and I work well together when it comes to decorating. I buy and plan it all and we both get in and work the magic. He is good at getting up high and I work well down low. At the end of the day it all happens.

At long last the piano has a home. It was spending it's days in the hall but not anymore. It has pride of place in the new formal loungeroom. The room did have a sliding door and I soon got rid of that and put a by-fold with leadlight in it. I am not a fan of the old sliding door!!! Next year we plan to do up the hall and I think we will need more than a week. It's very long, many doors and I want to put a new front door with leadlight in the frame either side of the door. I'm already planning it and now I just have to get my bits and wait until May 2011.
Patchwork Hugs,
Debs, it is such a warm inviting room, and so lovely to see a home with a piano. You and hubby are so very talented!
Belated birthday greetings, hope your year goes well.
Hello Deb, love what you have done decorating the lounge room. Happy Monday.
You have done a great job on the room. It looks so inviting. Well done both of you.
Love the colour of the walls Deb...the room looks really lovely :) It would be nice sitting in there doing some hand sewing :)
Hi Deb you can come and decorate at my home if you need more practice because that lounge looks fabulous.
Thanks everyone. It really is a joy decorating and I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out.
Absolutely beautiful. Elegant and formal and yet very welcoming.
Very very nice Debs, maybe you should go into business.
Wow Deb it is really stunning !
That is lovely. you and hubby must be thrilled.Piano looks good.
You have done a great job Deb. Congratulations.
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